About Arts in Redditch
Who are we?
Arts in Redditch was registered as a ‘Charitable Incorporated Organisation’ (CIO) in 2016 and the current trustees are Philip Roberts, Alison Moore, Jackie Kirby, Huw Moseley and Lyn Davies. We are a membership organisation, with over 85 individual and corporate members, reflecting the diverse range of creative interests already active in the town.
What do we do?
Arts in Redditch is working to increase participation in all forms of creative activity in Redditch and the surrounding area. Our purpose is to help people to discover the joys of participating in the arts, as well as the benefits to personal and communal well-being.
We use our knowledge, connections and resources to increase appreciation of, and participation in, arts and culture, including the allocation of grants and other funding to support new arts initiatives.
Who do we support?
Quite simply, we support individuals and organisations who are currently participating in any form of creative activity, but we are particularly keen to encourage new initiatives. Participation includes actually engaging in the artistic activity – music, drama and visual arts for example – but also promoting those activities to the widest possible audiences.
How do we operate?
As a small CIO run entirely by volunteers, we are developing our range of services to local arts organisations and individual participants, however, here are some examples of the work we do:
Website & social media, promoting events and connecting people.
Organising events, such as our twice yearly Pop-Up Galleries in the Kingfisher Centre.
Supporting new projects and initiatives, with grant funding where appropriate.
Identifying unfulfilled demand for relevant leisure activities, and finding ways to meet them – for example, The Kingfisher English Country Dance Club, set up in 2015, and now well-established.
Creating ways to showcase local arts groups, helping to increase membership and followers.
We are founding members of the Reimagine Redditch Consortium, delivering the town's Arts Council-funded ‘Creative People and Places’ programme.
We are also members of ReNEW - the North East Worcestershire Cultural Compact.
How Can I get Involved?
You can join Arts in Redditch, as a Member or Friend. Individual Members pay a modest annual subscription of £6, which entitles them to vote on matters concerning the governance of the charity. Organisations can be enrolled as Corporate Members for £12 a year, giving similar voting rights. Friends don’t pay a subscription, but are not entitled to vote. All Members and Friends will receive regular communications from us, and we encourage them to play an active part in running our activities. If you are a Facebook user, why not join our Group: Arts in Redditch supporting creativity in our community?
Click on this link to go to our online application form.
Our Trustees

Lyn Davies

Alison Moore

Philip Roberts

Huw Moseley

Jackie Kirby